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日期:2018-03-27 作者: 点击数:



















1. 矢量光场调控;

2. 全光磁调控/记录/存储技术

3. 矢量光场与磁/光材料的相互作用;

3. 飞秒矢量微纳激光直写技术。
















1.          国家基金面上项目(项目编号:11974258),飞秒高阶矢量光场对超分辨磁化场的操控机理及磁光微纳加工的研究,63万,2020. 01-2023. 12,主持;

2.          国家青年科学基金(项目编号:11604236)圆柱矢量光诱导三维超分辨纯纵向磁化点阵列的研究,22万,2017. 01-2019. 12,主持;

3.          山西省重点研发计划(高新领域)项目(项目编号:201903D121127),基于飞秒矢量光场调控与加工的高密度磁光存储技术研究,20万,2019. 09-2021. 9,主持;

4.          山西省高等学校科技创新基金项目(项目编号:2019L0151),多功能超分辨磁化场的全矢量光操控机理研究,3万,2020. 01-2021.12,主持;



1.         Z. Q. Nie#, H. Lin, X. F. Liu, A. P. Zhai, Y. T. Tian, W. J. Wang, D. Y. Li, W. Q. Ding, X. R. Zhang, Y.  L. Song, B. H. Jia*. Three-dimensional super-resolution longitudinal magnetization spot array, Light: Science & Applications, 2017, 6: e17032. (SCI一区) IF=17.782

2.         Y. X. Zhang#, X. F. Liu#, H. Lin, D. Wang, E. S. Cao, S. D. Liu, Z. Q. Nie*, B. H. Jia*. Ultrafast multi-target control of tightly focused light fields. Opto-Electronic Advances, 2022, 5: 210026 (SCI一区) IF=9.636.

3.         C. L. Hao, Z. Q. Nie, H. P. Ye, H. Li, Y. Luo, R. Feng, X. Yu, F. Wen, Y. Zhang, C. Y. Yu, J. H. Teng, B. Luk’yanchuk, C. W. Qiu*, Three-dimensional supercritical resolved light-induced-magnetic holography, Science Advances, 2017, 3: e1701398 (SCI一区) IF=14.136

4.         T. T. Zhu, Y. Y. Cao, L. Wang, Z. Q. Nie, T. Cao, F. K. Sun, Z. H. Jiang, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, Y. M. Liu*, C. W. Qiu*, W. Q. Ding*, Self-Induced Backaction Optical Pulling Force, Physics Review Letters, 2018,120, 123901 (SCI一区) IF=9.161

5.         S. D. Liu*, P. Yue , S. Zhang, M. S. Wang, H. W. Dai, Y. Q. Chen, Z. Q. Nie, Y. X. Cui, J. B. Han*, H. G. Duan*, Metasurfaces composed of plasmonic molecules: Hybridization between parallel and orthogonal surface lattice resonances, Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8(4),1901109 (SCI一区) IF=9.926

6.         S. R. Lin, Z. Q. Nie*, W. C. Yan, Y. Liang, Q. Zhao*, B. H. Jia*. All-optical vectorial control of multistate magnetization through anisotropy-mediated spin-orbit coupling, Nanophotonics, 2019, 8(12), 2177-2188  (SCI一区) IF=8.449

7.         X. W. Wang*, Z. Q. Nie, Y. Liang, T. Li, J. Wang, B. H. Jia*, Recent Advances on Optical Vortex Generation, Nanophotonics, 2018, 7(9), 1533-1556 (SCI一区) IF=8.449

8.         X. F. Liu, W. C. Yan, Z. Q. Nie*, Y. Liang, Y. X. Wang, Z. H. Jiang, Y. L. Song, X. R. Zhang*. Twisting polarization-tunable sub-diffraction-limited magnetization through vectorial beam coupling, Advanced Photonics Research, 2022, 3: 2100117 (Cover Story)

9.         Y. X. Zhang, Z. J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Z. Q. Nie*. Ultrafast Spin-to-Orbit and Orbit-to-Local-Spin Conversions of Tightly Focused Hybridly Polarized Light Pulses, 2022, 3: 2100308 (Cover Story)

10.     X. F. Liu, W. C. Yan, Z. Q. Nie*, Y. Liang, Y. X. Wang, Z. H. Jiang, Y. L. Song, X. R. Zhang*.

All-optical demonstration of a scalable super-resolved magnetic vortex core, Optics Express, 2022, 30 (7): 10354-10366. (SC二区) IF=3.894

11.      Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Z. Ning, E. Cao, X. Liu, Z. Q. Nie*. Temporal effect on tight focusing, optical force and spin torque of high-order vector-vortex beams. Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 149: 107844. (SC二区) IF=3.867

12.      W. Yan, Z. Q. Nie*, X. Zeng, G. Dai, M. Cai, Y. Shen, X. Deng. MachineLearningEnabled Vectorial OptoMagnetization Orientation. Annalen der Physik, 2022, 534(1): 2100287. (SC二区) IF=2.987

13.      W. C. Yan, S. R. Lin, H. Lin, Y. Shen, Z. Q. Nie*, B. H. Jia*, X. H. Deng*. Dynamic control of magnetization spot arrays with three-dimensional orientations, Optics Express, 2021, 29 (2): 961-973. (SC二区) IF=3.894

14.      X. F. Liu, W. C. Yan, Z. Q. Nie*, Y. Liang, Y. X. Wang, Z. H. Jiang, Y. L. Song, X. R. Zhang*. Longitudinal magnetization superoscillation enabled by high-order azimuthally polarized Laguerre-Gaussian vortex modes, Optics Express, 2021, 29 (16): 26137-26149. (SC二区) IF=3.894

15.      Z. L. Zhou, X. F. Liu, Z. Q. Nie*, S. Yang, Y. C. Gao, W. Z. Wu, G. Q. Lan, Z. J. Chai, D. G. Kong*. Generation and manipulation of three-dimensional polarized optical chain and hollow dark channels, Optics & Lasers Technology, 2021, 144. (SC二区) IF=3.867

16.      L. Yan, M. K. Wang, L. G. Gong, D. Wang, Y. T. Tian, Y. Tian*, E. S. Cao, Z. Q. Nie*. Enhanced and tunable nonlinear optical responses of nitrogen-doped nickel oxide induced by femtosecond laser excitation, Optical Materials, 2020, 106, 109987. (SC三区) IF=3.08

17.      W. C. Yan#, Z. Q. Nie# (Equal Contribution), X. F. Liu X, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Arbitrarily spin-orientated and super-resolved focal spot, Optics Letters, 2018, 43 (16): 3826-3829. (SC二区) IF=3.776

18.      W. C. Yan#, Z. Q. Nie# (Equal Contribution), X. F. Liu X, G. Q. Lan, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Dynamic control of transverse magnetization spot arrays, Optics Express, 2018, 26(13): 16824-16835. (SC二区) IF=3.894

19.      W. C. Yan#, Z. Q. Nie# (Equal Contribution), X. F. Liu X, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Creation of isotropic super-resolved magnetization with steerable orientation, APL Photonics, 2018, 3:116101. (SC二区) IF=5.672 (Editor Pick)

20.      Z. Q. Nie#, W. Q. Ding, G. Shi, D. Y. Li, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Achievement and steering of light-induced sub-wavelength longitudinal magnetization chain, Optics Express, 2015, 23(16): 21296-21305. (SC二区) IF=3.894

21.      Z. Q. Nie#, W. Q. Ding, D. Y. Li, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Spherical and sub-wavelength longitudinal magnetization generated by 4π tightly focusing radially polarized vortex beams, Optics Express, 2015, 23(2): 690-701. (SC二区) IF=3.894

22.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, D. Y. Li, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Creation of a three-dimensional super-resolution transversally polarized focal spot by 4π tight focusing of radially polarized vortex beam, Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(5): 055605. (SC三区) IF=2.516

23.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, D. Y. Li, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Tight focusing of a radially polarized Laguerre-Bessel-Gaussian beam and its application to manipulation of two types of particles, Physics Letter A, 2015, 379(9): 857–863. (SC三区) IF=2.654

24.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, D. Y. Li, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Formation of sub-wavelength longitudinally polarized beam using a radially polarized controllable dark-hollow beam, Journal of Morden Optics, 2015, 62(1): 67–74. (SC四区) IF=1.464

25.      Z. Q. Nie#, Z. G. Li, G. Shi, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Generation of a sub-wavelength focal spot with a long transversally polarized optical needle using a double-ring-shaped azimuthally polarized beam, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2014, 59: 93–97. (SC二区) IF=4.836

26.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, Y. L. Song*. Generation of super-resolution longitudinally polarized beam with ultra-long depth of focus using radially polarized hollow Guassian beam, Optics Communications, 2014, 331(15): 87–93. (SC三区) IF=2.31

27.      Z. Q. Nie#, Z. G. Li, G. Shi, X. R. Zhang*, Y. X. Wang, G. H. Ao, G. Shi, Y. L. Song*. Symmetrical positive-negative annular phase object for optical nonlinearity characterization, Physics Letter A, 2014, 378(3): 131–138. (SC三区) IF=2.654

28.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, Z. G. Li, Y. X. Wang, X. R. Zhang*, M. Shui, G. H. Ao, J. Y. Yang, Y. L. Song*. Measurement of nonlinear refraction of thick samples using nonlinear-imaging technique with a phase object, Optics & Lasers Technology, 2014, 59: 36–42. (SC二区) IF=3.867

29.      Z. Q. Nie#, G. Shi, Z. G. Li, G. H. Ao, Y. X. Wang, X. R. Zhang*, M. Shui, J. Y. Yang, Y. L. Song*, Y. Fang. Investigation of the third-order nonlinear refraction using 4f coherent imaging system with positive-negative bar phase objects, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2012, 50(10): 1405–1409. (SC二区) IF=4.836

30.      C. K. Shi, Z. Q. Nie*, Y. T. Tian, C. Liu, Y. C. Zhao, B. H. Jia*. Super-resolution longitudinally Polarized light needle achieved  by  tightly  focusing radially polarized beams, Optoelectronics Letters, 2018, 14(1): 1–5. (SC四区)

31.      Y. C. Zhao, Z. Q. Nie*, A. P. Zhai, Y. T. Tian, C. Liu, C. K. Shi, B. H. Jia*. Optical super-resolution effect induced by nonlinear characteristics of graphene oxide films, Optoelectronics Letters, 2018, 14(1): 21–24. (SC四区)

32.     D. Yang, Z. Q. Nie*, A. P. Zhai, Y. T. Tian, B. H. Jia*. Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Performances of GO/AuNRs Composite Substrates Excited by Radially Polarized Light, Acta Optica Sinica, 2019, 39(6), 0630003.


1. 一种可调谐的超分辨高纵横比的纵向偏振光针阵列,2018,专利号201810803890.8,排名第一;

2. 一种增强与转换Fe3O4-GO复合磁光薄膜的超快光学非线性的方法2021, 20211142013..8, 排名第一;

3. 一种超快调控矢量涡旋光场的光学微操纵装置与方法,2021,专利号CN113223744A,排名第一;

4. 二维材料辅助浸渍法制备固体氧化物燃料电池阳极的方法,2018,专利号201810408506.4,排名第二;

5. 一种径向偏振光激发的SERS基底及其设计方法,2018,专利号201910268863.X,排名第二;

6. 条形相位光阑及4f相位相干非线性成像系统及该系统对非线性折射的测量,2012,专利号ZL201210042332.7,排名第三.


《大学物理实验教程》,科学出版社,“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材/国家精品教材,参编第九章 40.




2021年,担任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in MaterialsIF: 3.515)的客座副编辑(Guest Associate Editor);

2022年,担任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in PhysicsIF: 3.56)的评审编辑(Review Editor).


