主持及参与多项国家与山西省自然科学基金,在Lab on a chip, ACS sensor, Optics Express, Optics& laser technology等多个SCI期刊上发表论文30余篇,Optics Express, Optics& laser technology等多个期刊审稿人,Frontiers in photonics 评审编辑。山西省“三晋英才”支持计划青年优秀人才。
国家青年科学基金项目, “二维非线性光子晶体中宽带二阶级联效应的研究”,项目号:(11204206)
国家青年科学基金项目(11204200), “基于结构弛豫的过冷液体动力学不均匀性研究”
[1]. Wenjie Wang*, Zhenghua Li, Tingting Zhang, Shuangquan Hua, Shaoding Liu, Intracavity melting analysis of DNA methylation using laser emission, Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, 149: 107831.
[2]. Tingting Zhang, Shuangquan Hua, Zhenghua Li, Wenjie Wang*, and Shaoding Liu. Sensitive vapor detection with hollow thin film arrays. Optics express, 2022, 30(1): 496-504.
[3]. Yifan Zhang, Xuerui Gong, Zhiyi Yuan, Wenjie Wang* and Yu-Cheng Chen*, DNA Self-Switchable Microlaser, ACS Nano, 2020, 14: 16122-16130.
[4]. Tingting Zhang, Zhuonan Jia, Zhenghua Li, Shuangquan Hua, Jingdong Chen, Wenjie Wang*, and Shaoding Liu. Generation of optofluidic laser in stable fiber Fabry-Pérot microcavities, Optics Communications, 2020, 475: 26234
[5]. Mengdi Hou, Xiyue Liang , Tingting Zhang, Chengyu Qiu, Jingdong Chen, Shaoding Liu,Wenjie Wang,* and Xudong Fan*. DNA Melting Analysis with Optofluidic Lasers Based on Fabry-Pérot Microcavity, ACS Sensors, 2018, 3: 1750−1755.
[6]. Tingting Zhang, Chunhua Zhou, Wenjie Wang*, Jingdong Chen. Generation of low-threshold optofluidic lasers in a stable Fabry-Pérot microcavity, Optics & Laser Technology, 2017, 91:108–111.
[7]. Jingdong Chen*, Wenjie Wang, Weibang Ji, Shaoding Liu, Qiushu Chen, Bimin Wu, Rhima Coleman and Xudong Fan*. Silicon based solvent immersion imprint lithography for rapid polystyrene microfluidic chip prototyping. Sens Actuators, B, 2017, 248: 311-317.
[8]. Wonsuk Lee, Wenjie Wang, Guksik Lee, Seong Ho Ryu, Xudong Fan and Dong Ki Yoon. Electro-tunable liquid crystal laser based on high-Q Fabry-Pérot microcavity, Optics Express, 2017, 25(2): 874-880.
[9]. Yu-Cheng Chen, Qiushu Chen, Tingting Zhang, Wenjie Wang and Xudong Fan, Versatile tissue lasers based on high-Q Fabry–Pérot microcavities, Lab on a chip, 2017, 17: 538–548.
[10]. Yu-Cheng Chen, Xiaotian Tan, Qihan Sun, Qiushu Chen, Wenjie Wang and Xudong Fan*, Laser-emission imaging of nuclear biomarkers for high-contrast cancer screening and immunodiagnosis, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 1: 724–735.
[11]. Wenjie Wang, Chunhua Zhou, Tingting Zhang, Jingdong Chen, Shaoding Liu,and Xudong Fan。“Optofluidic laser array based on stable high-Q Fabry–Pérot microcavities”,Lab on a chip, 卷15, 期 19,页3862-3869, 2015年。
[12]. Niu Xiaoying, Wang Wenjie*, Zhou Chunhua,“Study on Broadband Cascaded Third Harmonic Generation in Short-Range Ordered Dual-Periodic Nonlinear Photonic Crystal”,Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2014: 44- 5.
[13]. Wang Wenjie*, Niu Xiaoying, Zhou Chunhua. “Study on Broadband Second Harmonic Generation in Short-Range Ordered Quadratic Medium”, Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 卷43,期5,2014年。
[14]. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Shaoding Liu, Xiaoying Niu, and Wieslaw Krolikowski. “Manipulation of quadratic cascading processes in a locally quasi-periodic χ(2) medium”, Optics Express, 22, 期6, 页6976-6983, 2014年。
[15]. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Xiaoying Niu, Ming Huang, Shoujun Zhen , Yongfa Kong. ”Second harmonic Čerenkov radiation in bulk birefringent quadratic medium without any χ(2) modulation”, Optics and laser technology, 卷58, 页16-19, 2014年。
[16]. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Vito Roppo, Zhihui Chen, Xiaoying Niu, and Wieslaw Krolikowski. “Enhancement of nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction in two-dimensional optical superlattice”,Optics Express, 卷21, 期16, 页18671-18679, 2013年。
[17]. Sheng, Y, Kong, Q , Wang, W, J ,Kalinowski, K, Krolikowski, W, “Theoretical investigations of nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction in the frequency doubling process”. Journal of Physics B: Atomic , Molecular and Optical Physics, 卷45, 期5, 页 055401 -1: 8, 2011年。
[18]. Yan Sheng, Wenjie Wang, Roy shilon, Vito Roppo, Ady Arie, and Wieslaw Krolikowksi. "Third-harmonic generation via nonlinear Raman–Nath diffraction in nonlinear photonic crystal", Optics Letters, 卷36, 期16, 页3266 -3268, 2011年。
[19]. Yan Sheng, Wenjie Wang, Roy Shilon, Vito Roppo, Yongfa Kong, Ady Arie, and Wieslaw Krolikowski. "Čerenkov third-harmonic generation in c(2) nonlinear photonic crystal", Applied Physics Letters, 卷98, 期24, 页 241114 -1: 3, 2011年。
[20]. Y.Sheng, W.Wang, K.kalinaoski, K.Koynov, W.Krolikowski. "Broadband third-harmonic generation in two-dimensional short-range ordered nonlinear photonic structure", Applied physics B, 卷103, 期2, 页 13-16, 2011年。
[21]. Wenjie Wang, Yan Sheng, Yongfa Kong, Ady Arie, and Wieslaw Krolikowski. "Multiple Cerenkov second-harmonic waves in a two-dimensional nonlinear photonic structure", Optics Letters, 卷35, 期 22, 页3790-3892, 2010年.
[22]. Wenjie Wang, Ksawery Kalinowski, Vtio Roppo, Yan Sheng, Kaloian Koynov, Yongfa Kong, Crina Cojocaru, Jose Trull, Ramon Vilaseca and Wieslaw Krolikowski. "Second and third harmonic-parametric scattering in disordered quadratic media", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, 卷43, 期21, 页 215404 -1: 6, 2010年.
[23]. V.Roppo, W.Wang, K.Kalinowski, Y.Kong, C.Cojocaru, J.Trull, R.Vilaseca, M.Scalora, W.Krolikowski, and Yu, Kivshar. "The role of ferroelectric domain structure in second harmonic generation in random quadratic media", Optics Express, 卷18, 期5, 页4012-4022, 2010年.
(1) 冀炜邦; 陈景东; 王文杰; 刘绍鼎; 范旭东 ; 检测自由液体中DNA错配的光学生物传感器及方法, 2021-3-26, 中国, ZL201711399492.6
(2) 陈景东; 宋亚婷; 王文杰; 刘绍鼎; 冀炜邦 ; 一种基于双面PDMS褶皱的可调随机激光芯片, 2020-9-15, 中国, ZL201810189388.2
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1. 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《大学物理实验教程(第三版)》 “修订版”, 参编,科学出版社,修订时间, 2012年
2. 《非线性光子晶体的频率变换》王文杰 著, 山西科学技术出版社, 2013年