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日期:2024-01-24 作者: 点击数:







2) 煤矿灾害传感和预警关键技术研究:针对煤矿生产过程中安全需求,开发高精度、低功耗矿井水害超前探测系统以及瓦斯气体监测、预警系统,实现对煤矿灾害的超前探测、监测与预警。(重点:电路及硬件设计、调试与软件分析)


胡杰,博士,教授,博士生导师。目前,太原理工大学电子信息与光学工程学院工作。 20188~20199月,赴巴黎文理大学(PSLParis Sciences & Lettres   – PSL University)进行访学。20089~20119月获得欧盟奖学金的资助赴法国巴黎高师(Ecole   Normale Supérieure de Paris)与巴黎第六大学(Université Pierre et Marie Curie)进行博士课题研究,20119月获得巴黎第六大学工学博士学位。20116月对日本京都大学物质-细胞统合系统据点实验室(Institute   for instegrated cell-material sciences, iCeMS)进行了短期交流与学习。


ACS sensors, Chemical Engineering Journal,   Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Electrochimica Acta,   Journal of Hazardous Materials, Applied Surface Science等期刊的审稿人。










国家自然科学基金,面上项目(62171308),   2022-2025年,主持

[2] 山西省回国留学基金,项目号(2022-070), 2022-2025年,主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金,青年项目(51205274), 2013-2015年,主持

[4] 山西省自然科学基金,面上项目(201901D111090), 2019-2022年,主持

[5] 山西省自然科学基金,面上项目(2016011039), 2016-2018年,主持

[6] 山西省回国留学择优资助,项目号[2014]95, 2014-2015年,主持

[7] 山西省自然科学基金,青年项目(2013021017-2), 2013-2015年,主持

[8] 山西省回国留学基金,项目号(2013-035)2013-2015年,主持

[9] 教育部博士点基金,项目号(20121402120008)2013-2015年,主持

[10] 中国博士后科学基金,项目号(2013M530894)2013-2015年,主持

[11] 阳泉煤业科技专项(横向课题),项目号(GY18025)2019-2022年,主持

Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS sensors, Sensors and Actuators   B: Chemical, Electrochimica Acta,   Applied Surface Science, Langmuir, Nanotechnology, Lab on a chip.等刊物合作发表SCI论文100余篇,协助译著1部。

[1] Yifan Li, Wenda   Wang, Wangxiang Yue, Qian Lei, Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Sun, Hongyan   Xu,Wendong Zhang, Lin Chen*, Jung Kyu Kim*, Jie Hu*, Construction of highly sensitive   electrochemical immunosensor based on Au and Co3O4 nanoparticles   functionalized Ni/Co bimetal Conductive MOF for quantitative detection of   HBsAg, Chemical Engineering Journal,483,149087, 2024.

[2] Bingliang Wang, Yongjiao Sun*, Shizhen Wang, Zihan Wei,   Zhiyuan Lu, Yuchen Hou, W endongZhang, Koichi Suematsu, Jie Hu*, Construction of nanoflowers-like Au@ ZnO/ZnS/SnO2   heterostructure for conductometric cyclohexanone detection, Sensors and   Actuators B: Chemical, 399, 134754, 2024.

[3] Yongjiao Sun, Bingliang Wang, Yuchen   Hou, Koichi Suematsu, Zhenting Zhao, Wendong Zhang, Kengo Shimanoe*, Jie Hu*, Noble metal nanoparticles functionalized conductive Co3 (hexaiminotriphenylene)2   chemiresistor for hydrogen sulfide detection at Room-Temperature, Chemical Engineering Journal, 465(1), 142818, 2023.  

[4] Yongjiao Sun*, Bingliang Wang, Zhiyuan Lu, Wenlei Zhang, Wendong Zhang, Koichi   Suematsu, Jie Hu*, Pd@   Co3O4/In2O3 hollow microtubes   derived from core-shell MOFs as materials for conductometric trace toluene   detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,386, 133747, 2023.

[5] Zihan Wei, Manvel Gasparyan, Liren   Liu, Francis Verpoort, Jie Hu, Zhong Jin*, Serge Zhuiykov, Microwave-exfoliated 2D oligo-layer   MoO3-x nanosheets with outstanding molecular adsorptivity and   room-temperature gas sensitivity on ppb level, Chemical Engineering Journal,   454, 140076, 2023.

[6] Yongjiao Sun*, Yuchen Hou, Shizhen Wang, Bingliang Wang, Koichi Suematsu,   Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*,   Hierarchical Urchin-Like Au Decorated SnO2/Fe2O3 Microspheres   for Highly Efficient N-butanol Detection, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023.

[7] YongjiaoSun, Baoxai Wang, Shuaiwei   Liu, Zhenting Zhao, Wenlei Zhang, Wendong Zhang, Koichi Suematsu, Jie Hu*,   WS2 quantum dots modified In2O3 hollow   hexagonal prisms for conductometric NO2 sensing at   room-temperature, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 380, 133341, 2023.

[8] Yongjiao Sun, Baoxia   Wang, Bingliang Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Wenlei   Zhang, Wendong Zhang, Koichi Suematsu* and Jie Hu*,   Construction of Flower-like PtOx@ZnO/In2O3 Hollow Microspheres for   Ultrasensitive and Rapid Trace Detection of Isopropanol, ACS Appl. Mater.   Interfaces, 2023.

[9] Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Koichi   Suematsu, Wenlei Zhang, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Kengo Shimanoe*, Jie   Hu*, MOF-derived Au-NiO/In2O3 for selective and   fast detection of toluene at ppb-level in high humid environments, Sensors   and Actuators B: Chemical, 380, 133341, 2022.

[10] Qian Lei, Zhenting Zhao, Wenda Wang,   Yong Chen, Jie Hu* and Lin Chen*, Ultrasensitive and selective   electrochemical detection of Sudan I based on platinum nanoparticles   functionalized cobalt trioxide and carbon nanotubes derived zeolitic   imidazolate frameworks, Applied Surface Science 599,153981, 2022.

[11] Wenda Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Qian Lei,   Yongjiao Sun, Wenlei Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Wendong Zhang* and Jie Hu*,   Constructing and electrochemical performance of AuNPs decorated MIL-53 (Fe,   Ni) MOFs–derived nanostructures for highly sensitive hydrazine detection,   Applied Surface Science, 596,153573, 2022.

[12] Zhenting Zhao, Qiuguo Li, Yongjiao   Sun, Cancan Zhao, Zhaohui Guo, Weiping Gong, Jie Hu*, Yong Chen,   Highly sensitive and portable electrochemical detection system based on   AuNPs@ CuO NWs/Cu2O/CF hierarchical nanostructures for enzymeless   glucose sensing, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 345, 130379, 2021.

[13] Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Rui   Zhou, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Koichi Suematsu, Jie Hu*, Synthesis   of In2O3 nanocubes, nanocube clusters, and   nanocubes-embedded Au nanoparticles for conductometric CO sensors, Sensors   and Actuators B: Chemical, 345, 130433, 2021.

[14] Wenda Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Qian Lei,   Wenlei Zhang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Jie Hu*,   Hierarchically Au-functionalized derived ultrathin NiOnanosheets for highly   sensitive electrochemical hydrazine detection, Applied Surface Science,   542, 148539, 2021.

[15] Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Koichi   Suematsu, Pengwei Li, Zhichao Yu, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu* and Kengo   Shimanoe*, Rapid and Stably Detection of Carbon Monoxide in Humidity Changed   Atmospheres using Clustered In2O3/CuO Nanospheres, ACS   sensors, 5(4): 1040-1049, 2020.

[16] Yongjiao Sun*, Haoyue Yang, Zhenting   Zhao, Koichi Suematsu, Pengwei Li, Zhichao Yu, Wendong Zhang and Jie Hu*,   Fabrication of ZnO quantum dots@SnO2 hollow nanospheres hybrid   hierarchical structures for effectively detecting formaldehyde, Sensors and   Actuators B: Chemical: 128222, 2020.

[17] Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao Sun,   Jinxiang Song, Yajia Li, Yun Xie, Han Cui, Weiping Gong, Jie Hu* and   Yong Chen, Highly Sensitive Nonenzymetic Glucose Sensing Based on   Multicomponent Hierarchical NiCo-LDH/CCCH/CuF Nanostructures Sensors &   Actuators: B. Chemical, 326,128811, 2021.

[18] Zhenting Zhao, Qiuguo Li, Yongjiao   Sun, Cancan Zhao, Zhaohui Guo, Weiping Gong, Jie Hu* and Yong Chen*,   Highly sensitive and portable electrochemical detection system based on   AuNPs@CuO NWs/Cu2O/CF hierarchical nanostructures for enzymeless glucose   sensing, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 345,130379, 2021.

[19] Jie Hu*, Yongjiao Sun, Yan   Xue, Meng Zhang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Serge Zhuiykov, Yong Chen, Highly   sensitive and ultra-fast gas sensor based on CeO2-loaded In2O3   hollow spheres for ppb-level hydrogen detection, Sensors and Actuators B:   Chemical, 257: 124-135, 2018.

[20] Jie Hu*, Yanfei   Liang,Yongjiao Sun, Zhenting Zhao, Meng Zhang, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang,   Yong Chen, Serge Zhuiykov, Highly sensitive NO2 detection on ppb   level by devices based on Pd-loaded In2O3 hierarchical   microstructures, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 252,116–126, 2017.

[21] Jie Hu*, Zhenting Zhao, Jun   Zhang, Gang Li, Pengwei Li, Wendong Zhang, Kun Lian, Synthesis of palladium   nanoparticle modified reduced graphene oxide and multi-walled carbon nanotube   hybrid structures for electrochemical applications, Applied Surface Science,   396: 523-529, 2017.

[22] Ying Wang, Zhenting Zhao, Yongjiao   Sun, Pengwei Li, Jianlong Ji, Yong Chen, Wendong Zhang, Jie Hu*,   Fabrication and gas sensing properties of Au-loaded SnO2 compositenanoparticles   for highly sensitive hydrogen detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,   240, 664–673, 2017.


[1] 胡杰,孙永娇,赵振廷,李朋伟,李刚,张文栋,一种钼掺杂氧化钨气敏材料的制备方法,2017.03.08,中国,专利号:ZL 201610006729 .9

[2] 胡杰,王莹,赵振廷,冀健龙,李朋伟,张文栋,连崑,一种检测氢的金负载氧化锡纳米材料的制备方法,2016.12.21,中国,专利号:ZL 201710006716.1

[3] 胡杰,王莹,王影,王文达,薛炎,李朋伟,李刚, 连崑,张文栋,一种检测低浓度丙酮气体的锡基纳米复合材料的制备方法,2017.07.14,专利号:ZL 201710202237.1

[4] 胡杰,刘杰,王文达,赵振廷,张俊,连崑,李朋伟,李刚,张文栋,一种银掺杂二硫化钼复合材料混合液的制备方法,专利号:ZL 201710269781.8

  [1] 2013


  E-mail: hujie@tyut.edu.cn